(Forgive any typos you find. When I write these blogs I write them from the heart and it's not always perfect. )
I spent this Holiday season and the New Year in Connecticut with my immediate family. I just wanted a quiet year in to reflect on 2019 and all of its strengths and challenges This year has started out with a bang! First my dear friend and client sold and purchased a home with yours truly truly, photos coming soon. Then I was asked to join the OC Yoga Fest which was a blast. I met lots of wonderful souls. I also moved to Redondo Beach and started doing readings at a local shop on the Pier. I realized working on at the shop that I truly do offer something unique to my clients in that as a Medium I do not do your typical tarot card readings and also you can't really time Spirit. My spirit team is very good about pulling back my energy when a reading is closing. I have my personal max. A lot of times if I am at an expo where I'm in an environment with so many people around I can pick up on everything. So if a reading is anywhere from 5-10 minutes, I feel the energy cut off at that time. Its my agreement with my spirit team to preserve my energy.
Oftentimes when a reading is over, people in their excitement tend to linger and ask more questions, and usually at this point I will look at you blankly. This happens because when spirit or those that have crossed over pull back as respect for my boundaries they actually cut it off. Once that happens I won't have any answers for you. Sure I can go on, but know that me going on after I say "They are pulling their energy back," means they, your spirit team are no longer communicating with me as strongly. So with any reader be mindful not to bombard them with any more than the time given. That being said it is always fund to get readings at events to see who is legit and most connected with you, only because I believe everyone needs a spiritual coach from time to time especially during those times you just need a little guidance.
Here are some tips when you go see a reader. Drink water, it connects you to your physical and energetic source and you come filled up so to speak. Stay away from "general" readings. These are draining for the reader and the person being read because at least for me I notice instead of clear direct information about career, love or healing... it opens us both up to receive messages and energy from everyone and their grandmother on the other side. And I mean everyone! I used this example earlier in an email and I will repeat. Let's say you have a friend named Lucy who is going through a tough time she calls your for advice and you try to help but you have other stuff going on so you send her off with advice and pray for the best for her. A couple of days pass and you decide to go to a festival or you pass by a store and decide to stop in for a reading. You sit down and the reader asks "What would you like to know about today?" And you say, "Oh nothing in particular just here for a general..." what happens, at least for me, is that since you have nothing pressing going on I may pick up on a few things here and there but all of a sudden I tune into Lucy who has a cord connected to you and needs the reading. So now her guides, your guides, her team, your team, the people around, all the spirits who wants to say hi, I mean it all opens up. So you get some insights but now you have a plethora of messages for Lucy. And maybe that is ok for you. But if you don't want to share your financial tithe to get a reading for someone else, come prepared with something even if its something you need to clear. Hope that helps.
Spirit has me on a phone and texting detox. The phone is there when we wake up in the morning and all day we are bombarded with messages which are really just other peoples thoughts. It can be draining. The last thing I want to do after a day of full on healing sessions is get on the phone and solve more problems especially long after my spirit team has pulled back. So I don't do it. If I have a booked session and it is set up I will call back and do the session. If I am inspired you may get a surprise text, or email from me. But do not expect me to get into text chats especially if you are a friend. If you have more than 3 questions to ask during our chitchat time, please book a proper session so that we do it the right way. When I am guided to respect my energy I encourage you to do the same. Also, I notice that when people call me and my son is around, I tend to push him away to make sure I answer questions and its just not fair to him. This new year I want to focus on letting my son know that the phone and my communication on it are not as important as he is. That being said I truly honor and love my friends and yes my clients do become my friends. So I have also decided that once every couple of months I need a friend day or an outing with my girls.
So what are you new years goals? Are you going on a digital detox? Are you going to put you first? Your Friends? What are you working toward?